WP Table Manager WordPress Table Editor Plugin Free Download [v3.8.0]


WP Table Manager is a versatile WordPress plugin that empowers users to create, manage, and customize tables directly within their WordPress websites. Whether you need to display data, organize information, or present content in a structured format, WP Table Manager provides a user-friendly interface and powerful features to streamline the table creation process. With its intuitive drag-and-drop editor, extensive styling options, and support for advanced functionalities, WP Table Manager offers a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to enhance their WordPress site with dynamic and interactive tables.

Key Features:

1. Table Creation and Management:

  • Intuitive Interface: Create and manage tables effortlessly using the plugin's intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to arrange columns, rows, and cells with ease.
  • Import and Export: Import existing tables from Excel, CSV, or Google Sheets formats, or export tables to share with others or use in external applications.

2. Advanced Styling Options:

  • Customizable Styles: Customize the appearance of tables with a wide range of styling options, including fonts, colors, borders, backgrounds, and more.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that tables look great on any device with responsive design options that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

3. Data Management and Manipulation:

  • Sorting and Filtering: Enable sorting and filtering functionality to allow users to interactively search and organize table data according to their preferences.
  • Cell Formatting: Apply formatting options to individual cells, such as text alignment, font styles, background colors, and conditional formatting rules.

4. Integration with Third-Party Services:

  • Google Sheets Integration: Connect WP Table Manager to Google Sheets to sync data between your WordPress tables and Google Sheets documents, ensuring seamless data management and collaboration.
  • Table Importer Add-On: Extend the plugin's functionality with the Table Importer add-on, which allows you to import tables from external sources and automatically update them on your WordPress site.

5. Accessibility and Compatibility:

  • Accessibility Features: Ensure that tables are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by incorporating accessibility features such as screen reader support and keyboard navigation.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Guarantee compatibility with a wide range of web browsers, ensuring that tables display consistently and accurately across different platforms and devices.


WP Table Manager is a valuable addition to any WordPress site, offering an intuitive and feature-rich solution for creating and managing tables. Whether you need to display data, organize information, or present content in a structured format, WP Table Manager provides the tools and flexibility you need to achieve your goals. With its drag-and-drop editor, extensive styling options, and support for advanced functionalities, WP Table Manager empowers users to create dynamic and interactive tables that enhance the user experience and elevate the visual appeal of their websites.


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